Health. America “values” health. With her organic produce aisles to healthy chain restaurants, America values health! Well, sarcasm aside, that is completely not true. America claims to value health, but in fact it is advertising unhealthy food to younger children. Former First Lady Michelle Obama created her “ Let’s Move ” campaign which outlined “a wide range of initiatives to “attempt” to end childhood obesity within a generation.” We can see that America is “attempting” to create a healthy lifestyle for children. However, that isn’t the case. NBC researchers reported “ obesity is worsening in American kids. ” And the cause; “society that continues to push junk food despite the overwhelming evidence about its dangers.” Advertisements that children view daily and hourly display attractiveness attached to junk food. A child’s favorite star eating at McDonald’s, a fun little bird stuck to sugar laced cereal, and tv families drinking Coca-Cola. Kids can view more than 800...